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The City Which Doesn't ExistEtching in dark blue color, 25x48cm, 2014 | The City Which Doesn't ExistEtching in blue-green color, 25x48cm, 2014 | The City Which Doesn't Exist (draft)Graphite pencils on paper, 25x48cm, 2014 |
Through the WindowEtching, 28x56cm, 2014 | NorwayEtching, 5x7.5cm, 2013 | The Heart of RichardEtching, 10.7x12cm, 2013 |
The DialogueLinocut and wood texture, 100x50cm, 2016 | By Name of KisaPrint technique, 2013 | Still Life with CandlesOil on canvas, 50x80cm, 2017 |
The PearsOil on wood, 17х35cm, 2016 | The PearOil on wood, 14х24cm, 2016 | The CandlelightOil on wood, 33x38cm, 2016 |
Still Life with CornflowersOil on canvas, 40x55cm, 2016 | The PlumsOil on canvas, 17x44cm, 2013 | Still Life with SunflowersOil on canvas, 70х70cm, 2013 |
The BranchWatercolor on paper, 34x48cm, 2017 | The DaturaWatercolor on paper, 10.5x25cm, 2017 | The Red OnionWatercolor on paper, 22x33cm, 2017 |
AenilCover to "Aenil" by Dmytro Kuzmenko. Watercolor on paper, 2017. | OrionaCover to "Oriona" by Dmytro Kuzmenko. Watercolor on paper, 2013. | All Crows Are Born WhiteCover to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. |
All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. | All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. | All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. |
All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. | All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. | All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. |
All Crows Are Born WhiteIllustration to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. | All Crows Are Born WhiteEndpaper to "All crows are born white" by Lesya Smirnova. Watercolor and ink, 2015. | The Collection of LullabiesPlasticine on hardboard, 54.5x74.5cm, 2015 |
The Library of Babel #1Illustration to "The library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges. Oil based pencil on paper, 19x24cm, 2013 | The Library of Babel #2Illustration to "The library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges. Oil based pencil on paper, 19x24cm, 2013 | The Library of Babel #3Illustration to "The library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges. Oil based pencil on paper, 19x24cm, 2013 |
The Blue BirdCover to "The Blue Bird" by Maurice Maeterlinck. Graphite and watercolor on paper, 20,5x38cm 2014. |
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